Research Highlight

Structure of Atomically Dispersed Pt in a SnO2 Thin Film under Reaction Conditions: Origin of Its High Performance in Micro Electromechanical System Gas Sensor Catalysis

Pt Ru fuel cell cluster has a cluster-in-cluster structure demnstrated by Constrained Thorough Search mehtod

Why is the bond distance contruced in nanoparticle?

How to determine the complex structure by EXAFS?

The role of oxygen vacancies in the photocarrier dynamics of WO3 photocatalysts: the case of recombination centers

Important Information

2022-04-14[ Lecture Announcement] 表面ナノ解析はオンデマンド講義になりました。/ Surface Nano Analysis is only provided in only on-demand style

2021-09-17 [Announcement] To my great regret, I have to stop the Development of REX.

  • これまで日本発のXAFS解析ソフトとして、REXを開発して参りました。また多くのユーザからご支持をいただき、誠に感謝しております。私自身これを世界標準にまで持って行きたく、これまで精力的な活動をしてまいりましたが、今後の開発推進にめどが立たなくなったこと。私自身もいつまで生きていけるかわからないことから.今後REXを普及する活動およびREXの新版の開発の活動を中止したいと思っております。もちろん、REXをお使いの方々からの質問は、私がまともに動ける間は受け付けますし、サポートも引き続きいたします。またREX自身はリガクさんから引き続き販売されると思います。また、必要なソフトの提供もできる限りいたしますので、ご安心いただきREXをお使いいただければと思います。ただ、XAFS教科書や講習解答では今後一切REXを扱わないことになると思いますので、もし必要でしたら、個人的におたずねください。リモート講義等は行っております。 なお、REXとは別に開発を進めてきましたMRMC法およびCTS法は引き続き開発していきたいと思いますので、何かございましたら,遠慮なく。 朝倉清高

2022 大学院関係

  • 工学院入試情報
  •  修士1年 博士1年計画書提出
  •  修士課程中間報告会 対面 1グループ 名簿順
  • (筆頭試験)(口頭試問)大学院入試
  • 2023-02-01卒論・修論提出 Master thesis deadline
  • 2023-02-07卒業論文説明会(入試区分ごと)/Defense for undergraduate
  • 2023-02-09修士論文説明会(入試区分ごと)/Defense for graduate
  • 2023-02-14 ~15(筆頭試験)(口頭試問)大学院入試
  • 20210415 北大の入試について

    • R5. 1.14(土) ~ 1.15(日) 大学入学共通テスト
    • R5. 1.28(土) ~ 1.29(日)同追試
    • 2023/2/25 大学入試(前期日程)
    • 2023/3/12  大学入試(後期日程)

  • EVENT Information

    Date Place Title 予稿締切 連絡先その他
    Aug 22-29 2023 Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Autralia IUCr2023 Nov 21 2022
    Oct 13 2022 東京大学 本郷キャンパス 小柴ホール(Koshiba Hale the University of Tokyo(Hybrid) Model Systems for Heterogeneous Catalysts at the Atomic Scale: Can Surface Science Contribute? (Morino Lecture) 申し込み 03-5452-6132
    2025/07 Chicago XAFS2025
    2024/07/14 - 19 Lyon France 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CATALYSIS )
    2023/01/07-09 立命館大学草津キャンパス 放射光学会2023 2022/10/3発表締め切り 開催概要
    2023/09/ 滋賀研 
    XAFS討論会2023 2023
    2023年 触媒学会 第32回キャタリシススクール


    2022-09-21 [Publications] Professor Asakura's presentaion file in IXS2022 has been uploaded in IXS2022 web. here

    2022-09-20 [Publications] Dr. Daiki Kido Paper has been accepted in Chem.Lett.

    • Manuscript ID: CL-220381.R1
      Manuscript Title: Metastable structure of photoexcited WO3 determined by the pump-probe extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and constrained thorough search analysis
      Authors: Kido, Daiki; Uemura, Yohei; Wakisaka, Yuki; Koide, Akihiro; Uehara, Hiromitsu; Niwa, Yasuhiro; Nozawa, Sunsuke; Ichiyanagi, Kohei; Fukaya, Ryo; Adachi, Shinichi; Sato, Tokushi; Jenkins, Harry; Yokoyama, Toshihiko; Takakusagi, Satoru; Hasegawa, Jun-ya; Asakura, Kiyotaka

    2022-09-16 [Annoucement] Prof. Takakusagi gives his talk in ICAT-FHI meeting

    2022-09-16 [Openting Message] Prof. Asakura gives an open message

    2022-09-15 [Annoucement] Bang Lu wins the IVESTA ELSEVIER Award

      IVC Awards
      Brad and Prof. Asakura


    2022-09-09 [Annoucement] DX学内サイトを更新しました


    2022-09-09 新型コロナウイルス感染症に罹患した職員及び濃厚接触者等となった職員の就業上の措置について (09/09)

    2022-08-30[Announcement]Annual Meeting of Catalysis Society of Japan will be held in Toyama University!!

    2022-08-30[Announcement] Brad's midterm examination will be held at 16:00 on 26 Sept.

    Sept 26 2022
    Seminar Room D Oral presentation for Mid term exam Bang Lu

    2022-08-29[Announcement] Dr. Qing Wang joins our group.

    2022-08-29 [Announcement] Morino lecture in Tokyo Oct 13 2022

    Oct 13 2022 東京大学 本郷キャンパス
    小柴ホール(Koshiba Hale the University of Tokyo(Hybrid)
    Model Systems for Heterogeneous Catalysts at the Atomic Scale: Can Surface Science Contribute? (Morino Lecture) 申し込み 03-5452-6132

    2022-08-25[ Presentaiton} Prof. Kiyotaka Askaura gives his invited talk in IXS2022

    2022-08-25 [Annoucement] PPT of Introduction to Hokkaido University is renewed

    2022-08-23 [Annoucement]  Logo of IRCCS(Integrated Research Consosium of Chemical Scinece ) is determined.

      IRCCS IRCCS New Logo
    2022-8-23 [Announcement] BL9A,12C,NW10A PF BEAM TIME is announced in Oct -Dec 2022 .    
    12/8 09:00 --12/11 09:00 2021G083 非白金系電極触媒におけるヘテロ金属共 加藤 優 BL12C
    2022G104 有機電荷移動錯体の単結晶を用いた
    内藤 俊雄 BL15A
    10/25 09:00 -- 10/27 09:00 2021G564 電気化学全反射蛍光XAFSによる燃料電池
    Dong & YangNW10A
    10/28 09:00 -- 11/2 09:00 2021G564 電気化学全反射蛍光XAFSによる燃料電池
    Dong & YangNW10A
    12/9 09:00 -- 12/15 09:00 2022G576 オペランド偏光全反射蛍光XAFS法に高草木達 BL9A
    12/11 09:00 -- 12/12 09:00 2022G525 in situ XAFS of Yamanaka Catalyst朝倉清高 BL12C
    12/12 9:00-12/13 9:00 施設利用 in situ XAFS of Yamanaka Catalyst朝倉清高 BL12C

    2022-08-22[Notice] パブリックスペース(創成棟前の農場予定)整備に関する意見交換会参加者募集 締め切り9/2

    • 9月から10月にかけて,意見交換会をするそうです.教職員・学生が対象です.参加希望者は

    2022-08-22 [Covid-19] 学生が新型コロナウイルス感染症に罹患等した場合の対応について(第10版)

    2022-08-22[Publication ] Dr. Naoyoshi Murata's paper is now published on line

    • Structure of Atomically Dispersed Pt in a SnO2 Thin Film under Reaction Conditions: Origin of Its High Performance in Micro Electromechanical System Gas Sensor Catalysis
        Naoyoshi Murata, Takuya Suzuki, Yunli Lin, Hiroaki Nitani, Yasuhiro Niwa, Takahiro Wada, Motohiro Uo, Kiyotaka Asakura
        ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (10.1021/acsami.2c09535)

    2022-08-18[Notice] An interview article of Dr. Daiki Kido is published from Yokoito (3D Company)

    2022-08-17[Notice] Dr. Yuichiro Koike(First Dr.) visits us

    Yuichiro Koike

    2022-08-10 [Notice] Open Job position

    2022-08-10[Publication] Dr. Naoyoshi Murata paper has been accepted to ACS

    2022-08-09 [Publication] Dr. Qingyu Wang, published a paper(DOI=10.1007/s12155-022-10490-6).

    2022-08-08[Annoucement] Report on the number of Hokkaido University Covid-19 infected persons.

    2022-08-06[Annoucement]Open Professor position who can do surface science, electrochemistry, SR sience and scanning microscopy together with theoretical approach.

    202208-05[Announcement ] 北大コロナ規程改正
    • COCOAに関して改正
    • 厚生労働省の新型コロナウイルス接触確認アプリ(COCOA)により、陽性者と
      定する医療機関への受診又は行政機関が設置する PCR 検査センターでの検査を

     2022-8-2~8-4[Presentations] XAFS討論会(ハイブリッド、佐賀)
    Date Time Title Presenters
    8-02 Tue  17:50- 19:20 XAFSメタデータによるデータ構造化 朝倉 清高
    8-02 Tue  14:20-14:35 In Situ EXAFS Investigation on the Structure of Pd-Ga/SiO2 Catalysts
    During Plasma-assisted CO2 Conversion to CO
    Shuai Liu, Bang Lu, Haoran Xu, Shinya Furukawa,
    Kiyotaka Asakura, Satoru Takakusagi
    8-04 Tue  10:15-10:30 BCLA+BI-XAFS 法による PtAu ナノ粒子研究 Hu Bing. 轟直人,和田山智正,東晃太朗, 宇留賀朋哉,岩澤康裕,三輪 (有賀 )寛 子 ,高草木達 ,〇朝倉清高
    8-04 Tue  10:15-10:30 Constrained thorough search法による PtRu合金ナノ粒子触媒の EXAFS解析 ○城戸大貴, Md. Mijanur Rahman,竹口竜弥,朝倉清高
    8-03 Tue  13:30-15:00 Poster 異種金属ドープカーボン電極触媒の酸素還元活性 と in situ XAFS測定 ○加藤 優 , 謝思斉 , 阿部大輝 , 佐藤 舜 ,
    藤林那月 , 藤原孝将 , 三井隆也 , 朝倉清高 , 八木一三

    202208-02 [Announcement] 森野ディスカッション 2022/8/31 on line

    202208-02 [Announcement] We will have Hokkaido Marathon on August 28 in Hokkaido University. Hence we have traffic control on that day.

    2022-08-01 「北海道大学事務DX戦略」

    2022-07-28 [Notice] 濃厚接触者待機期間の変更

    2022-07-26 [Notice] XAFS夏の学校2022(XAFS Summer School 2022)

    2022-07-28 {Presentations] Prof. Asakura gives a talk in TOCAT9

    2022-07-25 [Presentation] Following presentations will be given in Annual Meeting of Catalysis Society of Japan (Sept20-23 in Toyama )

    Date Time Title Presenters
    Sept 20 Tue A1 1J04 11:00-11:15
    J会場 (D棟D22)
    Pump-probe EXAFSによる準安定WO3光励起種の構造に関する考察 〇朝倉 清高1、城戸 大貴1、上村 洋平2 (1. 北大触媒、2. 分子研)
    Sept 20 Tue A1 1J099 13:30-13:45
    J会場 (D棟D22)
    プラズマを用いた室温でのCo表面上窒素固定とアンモニア合成 〇魯 邦1、徐 浩然1、朝倉 清高1、高草木 達1 (1. 北海道大)
    Sept 26 Mon P14 10:00-12:00 Study on the Effect of Methoxy Intermediate Diffusion on Methanol Decomposition on Pt/TiO2(110) 〇劉 燦1、三輪 寛子2、小倉 正平3、福谷 克之4、高 敏1、長谷川 淳也1、清水 研一1、朝倉 清高1、高草木 達1
    (1. 北海道大学、2. 電気通信大学、3. 東京電機大学、4. 東京大学)

    2022-07-20 [Announcement] PF Proposal " 2022G525 CO2 electrochemical conversion" has been approved.

    • 実験責任者氏名: 朝倉 清高
    • 受理番号: 2022G525
    • 課題名: in situ XAFS による気相CO2電解触媒 Co-N4-Cxの電子状態・構造の研究
      Experiment title: In situ XAFS studies on the structure and electronic state of Co‐N4-Cx catalysts for CO2 gas phase electrolysis.

    2022-07-21 [Publication] Prof.Satoru Takakusagi has published paper in JACS

    • The paper entitled
      Cooperative Catalysis of Vibrationally Excited CO2 and Alloy Catalyst Breaks the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Limitation
      written by Dae-Yeong Kim, Hyungwon Ham, Xiaozhong Chen, Shuai Liu, Haoran Xu, Bang Lu,
      Shinya Furukawa, Hyun-Ha Kim, Satoru Takakusagi, Koichi Sasaki, and Tomohiro Nozaki
      has been published
      in . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022,
      on July 21, 2022

    2022-07-20 [Publication] MARX Raman paper has been published

    • The paper entitled
      Angular Dependence of Multi-atom Resonant X-ray Raman Scattering
      Junya Kogo, Ryusaku Sato, Kaori Niki, Kiyotaka Asakura
      e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology

    2022-07-15 [Announcement]Weiren Chen has published a paper in Accounts of Chemical Research

    2022-07-20 [Publication] MARX Raman paper has been published

    2022-07-11 [Announcement]北海道大学の感染時の対応が更新されました。

    2022-07-09 [Announcement] Prof. Asakura goes to Syndney to attend the International Conference on XAFS

    2022-07-03 [Publication] Prof.Asakura has published a book chapter

    • The paper is entitled
      Surfaces and interfaces
      Kiyotaka Asakura,* Hiroshi Kondoh, Mizuki Tada and Yasuhiro Iwasawa
      International Tables for Crystallography (2022). Vol. I.
      Early view chapter

    2022-07-01 [Announcement] 当研究室出身の上野 諒一君が訪ねてきてくれました.

    2022-07-01 [Announcement] A new associate professor, Dr. K. Asano, gives his talk in a Big Hall of our building at 16:00-17:00 on July 22,2022

    2022-07-01 [Presentation] Following presentations will be given in IVC22 held in Sapporo in Sept 11-16

    Date Time Title Presenters
    Sept 12 Mon PO1-45 17:30-18:45 Structural analysis of PtRu bimetallic nanoparticle for fuel cell anode catalyst from EXAFS using constrained thorough search method Daiki Kido1,Md. Mijanur Rahman2.Tatsuya Takeguchi2.Kiyotaka Asakura1..
    1Hokkaido University, Japan, 2Iwate University, Japan
    Sept 12 Mon PO1-92 17:30-18:45 3D structure of atomically dispersed Cu on the TiO2(110) surface premodified with a nitrogen-containing compound Cho Rong Kim1, Bang Lu1, Yuto Nakamura1, Yuki Wakisaka2, Satoru Takakusagi1,2Kiyotaka Asakura1,2
    1Hokkaido University, Japan, 2ICAT, Hokkaido University Japan
    Sept 13 Tue 15:15 Tue-F2-2 Elucidating the relationship between 3D structure and CO oxidation activity of Pt clusters on α-Al2O3(0001) using operando PTRF-XAFS Bang Lu, Daiki Kido, Haoran Xu, Kiyotaka Asakura, Satoru Takakusagi
    Hokkaido University, Japan
    Sept 13 Tue 16:45 Tue-I2-7 Dynamic Behaviors of Intermediate Adsorbates Controlling Activity and Product Selectivity in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Methanol Decomposition on Pt/TiO2(110) CAN LIU1, Hiroko Ariga Miwa2, Shohei Ogura3, Katsuyuki Fukutani4, Min Gao1, Jun-ya Hasegawa1, Ken-ichi Shimizu1, Kiyotaka Asakura1, Satoru Takakusagi1,
    1Hokk. Univ., Japan, 2Univ. of Electr.-Comm., Japan, 3Tokyo Denki Univ., Japan, 4Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
    Sept 15 Thu 12:00 Thu-B1-8 Structure investigation of Pt nanoclusters deposited on flat carbon support – A model catalyst for fuel cell electrode by in-situ BCLA / HERFD+BI-XAFS method Kaiyue Dong1, Bing Hu1, Rashid Al Md Harun1, Keiko Miyabayashi2, Kotaro Higashi3, Tomoya Uruga3,4, Yasuhiro Iwasawa3, Satoru Takakusagi1, Kiyotaka Asakura1
    1Hokkaido University, Japan, 2Shizuoka University, Japan, 3The University of Electro-Communications, Japan, 4Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan
    Sept 13 Tue TUE-F1-3 13:30-13:45 Operando EXAFS Studies on the In Catalysts for CH4 Conversion during the Activation Processes Kiyotaka Asakura Asakura1, Shoji Iguchi2, Ichiro Yamanaka2
    1Hokkaido University, Japan, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

    Prof. Asakura has retired from PCCP associated editor on June 30. He expressed thanks for all collabroations and help.

    [Announcement] M2 interim presentation on 2022−07−06

    • Yunli Lin gives interim presentation for his Master degree at 16:40 ~ 16:50

    2022-06-29 [Announcement] IMS-FHI Joint Seminar on 2022/7/4 (Mon), 17:00

    • Date: 2022/7/4 (Mon), 17:00
      Title:「Understanding Correlation among Electron-Phonon-Spin Degree of Freedom in Advanced Molecular Optoelectronics」
      Speaker: Kiyoshi Miyata (Kyushu Univ.)
      Join the semniar.

    2022-06-28 [Announcement] ZOOM Free Account Policy Changed from July 15.

    • THe ZooM Free Acount for 1:1 is limited to 40 min. Educational one under the University Account is not affected

    2022-06-24 {Thanks.} Professor expresses his thanks for the birth present!!

    2022-06-22 [Announcement] XAFS data base in Hokkaido University is now available in MDR

    2022-06-20 [Announcement] Colloquium schedule for Summer Semester of 2022

    Group meeting schedule

    Date Time Place Content  Presenter
    2022.06.21 13:00~ on line  weekly report
    2022.06.27 13:00~ Big hall  weekly report and rehearsal Lin
    2022.07.04 13:00 Big Hall  weekly report Brad
    2022.07.12 13:00  On Line  weekly report Ezawa
    2022.07.19 13:00~ Big Hall  weekly report Shuai Liu (Rehaersal)
    2022.07.25 13:00~ On line  weekly report Weiren Cheng
    2022.08.05 9:00~ Big Hall  weekly report TBD

    2022-06-19 [Conference] XAFS討論会 講演申込締切の延長 till 2022/07/01

    2022-06-15 [Paper]Dr. Weiren Chen has pusblished a paper

    2022-06-13 [Conference] Presentation of Interntional XAFS conference 2022 in Sydney

    Date Time Title Presenters
    July 12 Tue 10:30(SST)-11:05 Abnormal Au-Au bond length contraction in PtAu alloy nanocluster on HOPG Kiyotaka Asakura
    July 12 Tue 11:30(SST)-12:30 Memorial Session for Hiroyuki Oyanagi Koichi Oyanagi, Kiyotaka Asakura, Matt Newville
    July 13 Wed 19:30(SST) - 19:50 Constrained thorough search method for EXAFS analysis of the PtRu bimetallic nanoparticle catalyst Daiki Kido
    Constrained thorough search method for EXAFS analysis of the PtRu bimetallic nanoparticle catalyst

    2022-06-13 [Announcement] Faculty of Engineering builiding is closed between August 11 - 15 2022

    2022-06-09 [Announcement]Hokkaido Summer Institute for Catalysis

    2022-05-31 [Announcement]Lin kun Joins our group in person. Welcome!!

    2022-05-31 [Announcement]XAFS22 Early bird registration

    • XAFS 22 's early bird registration is June 10th. Save your money.

    2022-05-30 [Announcement]北大のファクトブック

    2022-05-30 [Announcement]量子理工学専攻集中講義のお知らせ.

    • 令和4年度 集中講義「物質構造科学特論」を下記の日程にて行います。



      集中講義の履修登録は、担当教員の方で取りまとめて 大学院担当で


      受講希望の方は秘書の後藤: まで

      学生番号, 氏名,所属をメールで6/20(月)迄にご連絡願います。


    2022-05-27 [Announcement] Symposium on Nanoterasu in June 30, 2022, Centenerary Memorial Hall, Univ.Hokkaido.

    2022-05-27 [Announcement] Beam time for 2021G564 in PF starts.

    2022-05-26 [Announcement] Weiren Chen comes up to Japan. Welcome!!

    2022-05-19 [Announcement] Sales of Flowers and Vegitables May 31- June 3

    2022-05-18 [Announcement] International Postal Charge changes

    2022-05-17 [Announcement] ICAT Colloquium by Prof. Kiyotaka Nakajima (a new Professor of ICAT) at 16:00 on 7 June

    • Prof. Kiyotaka Nakajima will gice a talk in a big lecture hall in 5F and online.
    • ]
    • 16:00 on 7 June

    2022-05-17 [Announcement] Daiki Kido paper has been published

    • The paper entitled
      Constrained Thorough Search Analysis of Multi-edge EXAFS Spectra for Characterization of Bimetallic Nanoparticles
      written by
      Daiki Kido ,1Md. Mijanur Rahman ,2Tatsuya Takeguchi ,2 and Kiyotaka Asakura *1
      has been published inChemistry Letters 2022, Vol.51, No.5 538-541

    2022-05-16 [Announcement]量子理工学専攻集中講義のお知らせ.

    2022-05-16 [Announcement] Abstract submission deadline for ALC'22 has been extended to May 31

    • ALC'22 will be held at the Bankoku Shinryokan in Okinawa, Japan. on Oct 16-21, 2022
      It will be a face-to-face conference.
      The conference was held in 2019 last time and Prof. Dr. Harun Al Rahid got a poster prize there.
      If you want to join, tell me.

     2022-05-15[Presentations] The program is released for TOCAT9 (HYBRID FUKUOKA)

    Date(Place) Time Title Presenters
    July 28 Thursday 2022
    13:30 (JST)- 13:50 (OC405) In situ XAFS analysis of PtAu nanoparticles deposited on a flat HOPG surface. Kiyotaka ASAKURA, Bing HU, Naoto TODOROKI, Toshimasa WADAYAMA, Kotaro HIGASHI, Tomoya URUGA, Yasuhiro IWASAWA, Hiroko ARIGA, Satoru TAKAKUSAGI

    2022-05-13 Nanoterasu is a new name of Tohoku Ring.

    2022-05-13 研究活動に関するハンドブック/Research Handbook令和4年版

    2022-05-13 [Global XAS Journal Club]

    Date Time Title Presenters
    Frieday May 13: 1:00(JST)- The User Experience at NIST's Beamline for Materials Measurement Dr. Bruce Ravel (NIST)

    2020-05-13 [New paper is accepted] Prof. Yamagata's paper has been accepted in JPCC

    2020-05-12 [Announcement] IijimaConvenience Store) in KEK has has started on May 25.

    2020-05-12 [Announcement] Daily Yamazaki(Convenience Store) in KEK has been closed on Apr 7.

    2022-05-12 [XAS Journal Club from E and AO]

    Date Time Title Presenters
    May 24, 2022 17:30(JST)- Operando XAS study on heterogeneous catalysts and application of high energy resolution fluorescence detection Prof. Hiroyuki Asakura
    (Department of Applied Chemistry, Kindai University, Japan)

    2020-05-11 [Announcement] 付属図書館の開館時間変更のお知らせ

    2020-05-09 [Announcement] Dr. Md. Harun-Al-Rashid has been promoted to Associate Professor.
    Department of Chemistry, Begum Rokeya University Rangpur

    2020-04-28[Announcement] Abstract deadline for IVC22 is extended to May 16, 2022.

    2022-04-27 [XAS Journal Club from E and AO]

    Date Time Title Presenters
    May 10, 2022 16:00(JST)- Using multi-edge HERFD-XAS to study the uranium electronic structure in MUO3 (M = K, Na, Rb) Prof. René Bes
    (Department of Physics, University of Helsinki)

    2022-04-26[Alert] More than two hundred have been infected in Hokkaido Univerisy during Apr. 8 to Apr 21.

    2022-04-24 [Alert!!] Hokkaido University published COVID -19 Cluster. Be careful.

    2022-4-25[Announcement] 【Online Seminar】FHI-IMS Joint Seminar is postponed

    2022-04-21 [Recruit] PF is looking for a new assitant position for XAFS [Japanese] [English]

    2022-04-19 [Announcement] 卒研生のテーマを決めました。

    B4 学生研究テーマ

    Grade Nameフリガナ ThemeAffiliation
    B4篠澤 峻介(Shunsuke Shinozawa) CTSによるFeおよびMoの構造解析 機械知能学科
    B4江澤 元太(Genta Ezawa) CO2の電解還元触媒のin situ 測定セル開発 機械知能学科

    2020-4-19[Announcement] 【Online Seminar; cancelled】FHI-IMS Joint Seminar

    2022-4-15 [Announcement] NEDO Project に山中先生のプロジェクトが採択され、参加いたします。

    • 「カーボンリサイクル・次世代火力発電等技術開発/
      国立大学法人 東京工業大学
      国立大学法人 埼玉大学
      国立大学法人 北海道大学
    • 私たちのミッションは 共担持Co-N-C触媒のOperando XAFS測定法の確立 です。

    2020-04-15 [Announcement] 機械知能学科2,3年生の面談を開始します。

    • 機械知能学科の2,3年生で、朝倉・高草木に割り振られたものは、連絡をください。 まだお二人からしか連絡を頂いておりません。至急連絡をください。

    2020-04-15 [Announcement] 3rd Dose Booking start on 19 Apr.(10:00-)

    2022-04-15 [Announcement] Prof. Asakura wrote an article in JACI News Letter No81 202205

    2022-04-14 [Global XAS Journal Club

    Date Time Title Presenters
    April 22: Fri 1:00(JST)- The Materials Challenges of the 21st Century -- How can Synchrotrons Help? Prof. Bhoopesh Mishra (Illinois Inst. Tech.)

    2022-04-13 [Announcement] Yamakata sensei paper has been accepted in J.Phys.Chem. C.

    • The paper entitled
      The role of oxygen vacancies in the photocarrier dynamics of WO3 photocatalysts: the case of recombination centers
      written by
      Kato, Kosaku; Uemura, Yohei; Asakura, Kiyotaka; Yamakata, Akira
      has been accepted in J.Phys.Chem.C.

    2022-04-08 [Announcement] Colloquium schedule for Spring Semester of 2022

    Group meeting schedule

    Date Time Place Content  Presenter
    2022.04.13 09:30~ Big hall  weekly report safety education lecture 
    2022.04.20 10:00~ Big hall  weekly report Liu
    2022.04.27 9:30 B & C  weekly report Yang
    2022.05.11 09:30~ Big hall  weekly report Dong
    2022.05.18 09:30~ Big hall  weekly report Tomidokoro
    2022.05.25 09:30~ Big hall  weekly report Kim

    2022-04-12[Alert ] Hokkaido University published COVID -19 Cluster. Be carefule.

    2022-04-08 [Announcement ] The deadline of abstract submission for IVC22 has been extended to 25 Apr 2022.

    2022-04-08 [Announcement] We have two new undergraduate students G.Ezawa and S.Shinozawa. Welcome!!

    2022-04-01[Vaccination report] Prof. took the third dose.

    2022-04-01[ Open for Assisstant Professor position in PF ] PF is now looking for a person who can do the XAFS.

     2022-03-28[Presentations] 触媒討論会(ハイブリッド、京都)
    Date(Place) Time Title Presenters
    March 28: Monday
    Kyoto University
    10:00 (JST)- 10:25 アークプラズム法で HOPG 上に作成した PtAu
    ナノ粒子の 異常な Au-Au 結合短縮について
    朝倉 清高、Hu Bing、轟 直人、和田山 智正、東 晃太朗、宇留賀 朋哉、岩澤 康裕、三輪(有賀) 寛子、高草木 達

    2022-03-22 [XAS Journal Club E and AO

    Date Time Title Presenters
    March 29: Tuesday 16:00 (JST)- Overview about the plans and expectations for PETRA IV starting from the current
    status of 2 XAFS/XES beamlines at PETRA III
    Prof. Edmund Welter
    (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
    More than 20 have been infected in Hokkaido Univerisy during Feb21 to Mar 4.

    2020-03-25[Announcement] 卒業証書授与式を掲載しました.

    2020-03-25[Announcement] Thank you Bingo cellemony .

    2020-03-23 ][Announcement] 【安全保障輸出管理】外国為替及び外国貿易法に基づく輸出貿易管理令等の改正

    2022 -1-6 [Announcement] Colloquim schedule

    Group meeting schedule

    DATE Time Place Content  Presenter
    Mar 22, 2022 10:00 ZOOM CSJ Spring meeting rehearsal Chorong Kim
    Mar 22, 2022 11:00 ZOOM midterm rehearsal Kaiyue Dong

    2022-03-22 [Global XAS Journal Club

    Date Time Title Presenters
    March 25: Fri 1:00(JST)- The Inner Shell Spectroscopy (ISS) Beamline: A high-throughput and high-energy resolution facility at NSLS-II Dr. Eli Stavitski (BNL/NSLS-II)

    2022-03-20 [Announcement ] Prof. K.Asakura gives a talk in ACS

    • Prof. K.Asakura join the ACS meeting
      DIVISION: Division of Catalysis Science and Technology
      SESSION: Fundamental Insights in Catalytic Chemistry through Precisely Synthesized Materials:
      A Symposium Honoring Bruce C. Gates
      SESSION TIME: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM(6:00 AM- 10:00AM JST)
    Date Time Title Presenters
    March 21: Mon(March 22: Tue Japan) 15:20-15:40(7:20 -7:40 JST) PTRF-XAFS investigation on the 3-dimensional structure of the single-atom metal dispersed on single crystal oxides K.Asakura and S.Takakusagi

    2022-03-20 [Announcement] The paper by Dr. Daiki Kido has been published on the web with DOI.
    • Manuscript ID: CL-220090(Chemistry Letters)
    • Manuscript Title: Constrained thorough search analysis of multi-edge EXAFS spectra for characterization of bimetallic nanoparticles
    • Authors: Kido, Daiki; RAHMAN, MD MIJANUR; Takeguchi, Tatsuya; Asakura, Kiyotaka
    • DOI:

    2022-3-18 [Announcement] BL9A,12C,NW10A PF BEAM TIME is announced in May - July 2022 .

    5/30 09:00 --6/2 09:00 2021G083 非白金系電極触媒におけるヘテロ金属共 加藤 優 BL12
    6/7 09:00 --6/9 09:00 2022G104 有機電荷移動錯体の単結晶を用いた
    内藤 俊雄 BL15A
    6/3 09:00 -- 6/9 09:00 2021G564 電気化学全反射蛍光XAFSによる燃料電 Kido and
    5/27 09:00 -- 6/1 09:00 2021G564 電気化学全反射蛍光XAFSによる燃料電池
    6/14 09:00 -- 6/20 09:00 2020G643 オペランド偏光全反射蛍光XAFS法に高草木達 BL9A

    2021-12-02 [Global XAS Journal Club]

    • Revealing Unconventional Electronic Structure via Multi-Edge XAS
      Dr. Ida DiMucci (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      Thursday December 16:
      2 am Tokyo

    2022-03-14 [Announcement] The paper by Dr. Daiki Kido has been accepted.
    • Manuscript ID: CL-220090(Chemistry Letters)
    • Manuscript Title: Constrained thorough search analysis of multi-edge EXAFS spectra for characterization of bimetallic nanoparticles
    • Authors: Kido, Daiki; RAHMAN, MD MIJANUR; Takeguchi, Tatsuya; Asakura, Kiyotaka

    2022-03-12 [Announcement] Hokkaido University's new policy against COVID-19 about the Student exchange program.

    2022-03-11 [Announcement} Photon Facotry is 40 years old today.

    2022-03-11 [Announcement ] Prof. K.Asakura gives a talk in 11th Internationl Iwasawa Conference

    Date Time Title Presenters
    March 11: Fri 17:55(JST)-18:15 Anormalous Au-Au Bond Distance Contraction in PtAu Nanoparticle K.Asakura

